
Studying Habits for Success Students

Successful students have good study habits, such as:

  1. Try not to do too much studying at one time. 
  2. Separate study topics. 
  3. Plan specific times for studying. 
  4. Try to study at the same times each day. 
  5. Set specific goals for study times. 
  6. Work on the most difficult assignment first. 
  7. Say, “I will start something” instead of “I need to finish this”.
  8. Reward yourself after achieving a goal (dance and sing, listen to a podcast, call a friend).
  9. Plan the upcoming week on Thursday or Friday and include the weekend.
  10. Make sure you do some homework for each class at least every other day.
  11. Review, revise, and summarize class notes within 24 hrs.
  12. Take short breaks to restore mental energy (Pomodoro Technique).
  13. Find a space on campus where you can study best.

Study Spaces on Campus

Social Areas: Smith Union, Quad, Common Rooms in Dorms
Semi Social: 1st floor library, Druck Atrium
Semi Quiet: Baldwin Center in HL, Adams, Ladd, Gibson
Music Library, and Hubbard Reading Room (1st floor)
Quiet: 2nd & 3rd floor Kanbar, 6th floor Hubbard, Shannon Rm Hubbard, 3rd floor VAC, 6th floor Pickard Memorial Hall, Druckenmiller Hall, and Hatch Science Library

Adapted from Study Skills on .