
Getting More Out of Your Readings

Get More Out of Your Reading | Become Fascinated by Boring Text | Reading a Difficult Text | Predatory Reading Strategies | Reading in the SciencesActive Reading Strategies | Critical Reading Strategies | Speed Reading Strategies

Need some guidance to help you focus reading a text?

When navigating your college education, it’s important to dig deeply into the course materials. Whether you’re combing through the assigned book chapters for a class discussion or researching scholarly works for the next term paper, it’s important for students to have a clear reading strategy (e.g., Active Reading Strategy or Critical Reading Strategy) for synthesizing information.

For example, by utilizing active reading strategies you can…

  • Better understand your assigned readings
  • Formulate questions to use in class discussions
  • Record interesting thoughts for future papers and assignments
  • Better recall information for tests and quizzes

To get more out of your readings, consider the following:

  1. What type of literature are you reading? Different types of readings call for different types of strategies.
    1. Journal Articles
    2. Reading in the Sciences
    3. Reading in History? Try predatory reading
  2. Are you reading critically?
  3. Take notes! Consider organizing your thoughts with a reading log for active reading or a reading log for journal articles.
  4. Are you struggling with a boring text? Is the text difficult to understand?
  5. Do you have massive amounts to read? Consider boosting your speed reading strategies.

Seven Ways to Become Fascinated by a “Boring” Text

Wonder, Wonder, Wonder

  1. Ask questions, especially “Why? How? What?”
  2. Realize that this topic is so interesting that people have spent their entire professional lives studying it.
  3. Make yourself be curious; make yourself be interested. Learn more about the topic. Maybe you don’t know enough to be curious.
  4. Predict – try to guess. . .
    • the answers to your questions,
    • where the author is headed—try to second-guess the author.
  5. Find or create an authentic reason/purpose for learning the information: a service, an application, a pressing need, etc. “To pass a test,” while a survival goal, cannot energize your learning.
  6. Think of yourself as a scholar, a scientist, or an artist and be determined to create new ideas, possibilities and original insights using the text as a springboard.
  7. Integrate your abilities, prior knowledge, opinions, insights, and experiences with what you are reading.

Reading a Difficult Text

Before Reading 

  • Use skimming and scanning techniques of the material to give a cursory look at the main ideas and understand the writing’s structure. Set a purpose for your reading. What are you looking for?
    • Why? Having a purpose allows you to focus on what matters and get through the reading more quickly.
    • How? Look at the syllabus to see what topic this reading is for; plan what information may be important for upcoming assignments, tests, or essays; look for information that relates directly to what you’ve learned in class
    • Find a productive study space to focus on your reading.

During Reading

  • Annotate and highlight the text for important points.
  • Synthesize what you are reading along the way by taking notes and/or writing in the margins.
  • Keep track of and write down questions you have while reading.
  • Write down and look up unfamiliar vocabulary.
  • Help your focus by reading the text aloud or by following along as you listen to an audio version.
  • Slow down. Reading difficult texts takes more time than reading other kinds of writing.

After Reading

  • Explain what the text taught you with specific ideas and examples. This will help your comprehension of the text.
  • If you have time, give the text a second read.
  • If the book has questions at the end of chapters to check your understanding, take time to answer them.
  • Seek help
    • Discuss the reading with friends in the class.
  • Go to office hours to gain a better understanding of what made this piece important to read and why your professor selected it.


Predatory Reading Strategies

Predatory reading means to quickly determine the important parts of the scholarly material you read. The most important thing to understand about a piece of scholarly writing is what the argument is and how it is created: the problem, the solution, and the evidence. Understanding the structure of an essay is key. Follow these tips to determine the structure of a text:

  1. Think pragmatically. Try to determine why the author has spent time writing each paragraph. What does it “do” for the author’s argument?
  2. Identify “signposts. ”Are there any structural cues in the reading? Is it divided into chapters or sections? Are there subheads? Are the titles clearly descriptive of the contents, or do they need to be figured out?
  3. Topic sentences. Topic sentences (usually the first sentences of each paragraph) are miniature arguments. They also tell you what the paragraph that follows will be about and provide clues as to what the larger argument is.
  4. Mostly found in the form of primary and secondary sources. When you see evidence used, try to identify the part of the argument that it supports.
  5. Identify internal structures. Within paragraphs, authors create structures to help readers understand their points. Where are they in the hierarchy of the argument? Is the point major or minor? How can you tell?
  6. Examine transitions. Is this just a transition to get from one point to another, or is it a vital piece of the argument? Does it explain the relationship between points or suggest the hierarchy of points in the argument?
  7. Identify key distinctions. Look for words like “but,” “although,” and “however.”
  8. Identify explicit references to rival scholarly positions. If authors refer directly to the work of another scholar, they’re addressing a larger discourse. Pay attention to the central questions at stake.
  9. Pay attention to strategic concessions. Often authors seem to be backtracking, only to try to strengthen their cases. Often, these signal moments are where authors are in direct conversation with other scholars. Such moments may also help steer you toward the thesis.
  10. Remember that incoherence is also a possibility. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine how a section of a piece is structured or what its purpose in the argument is. Authors do not always do their jobs. It is much better to work through an article several times quickly — each time seeking to discern argument and structure — than it is to read it once very closely.

Source: Patrick Rael (2004), Reading, Writing, and Researching for History. /profiles/faculty/prael/pdf/predatory-reading.pdf

Reading in the Sciences

What is different about reading in the sciences?

  1. Readings contain many specific facts and details. This type of reading requires an overall understanding of the information to process the details.
  2. Placement of main ideas and specifics is usually straight forward (headings and subheadings) but grasping the details can be challenging. Information may be dense.
  3. The organizational pattern is usually "relationships", i.e., ideas and details built upon previous information. A solid background of the basics in the discipline is necessary to understand and comprehend the information.
  4. A review of terminology before reading increases understanding and comprehension. Terminology is subject specific and must be understood to comprehend information presented. Often important terms are boldfaced or italicized.
  5. Diagrams, figures, charts, and graphs are numerous. Time is needed to study these both before reading and as one reads. These visual aids help integrate information. Visualizations aid in the understanding and retention of information.
  6. Knowledge and comprehension of the readings and lectures must be taken to an "application " level. The ideas learned should be applied to new or different situations other than those presented in the texts or lectures.
  7. Research is an extension of information. To read research and understand it, the basics of the discipline must be understood. Think of research as taking an idea, analyzing, synthesizing and extending it.
  8. The difficulty of material often necessitates more than one reading for a thorough understanding of the information.

How does one read the sciences?

Before the Lecture

  1. Preview the chapter. Briefly look over titles, introductions, subheadings, first few sentences beneath subheadings, figures, diagrams, italicized or boldfaced terms, and summaries. As you preview, ask yourself:
    • What is this about?
    • What do I know about this. What don't I know? What don't I remember?
    • Where do the authors begin, and where are they going?
    • What is the organizational pattern (relationships, chronological, hierarchical)?
    • How does this information fit into what we are learning in this course?
    • How difficult or how easy is this material?
    • Is there unfamiliar terminology?
    • How important is this information? Are there parts I could skim and get the main ideas?
    • Where can I make logical breaks in the reading to divide up my study time?
    • Can I read the chapter in an alternative order? I Would it be easier and more motivating to read the most interesting section first?
  2. Skim the chapter. Read the first and last sentences of paragraphs. Pull out some major ideas and details. Examine charts and figures. Try to understand the important and frequently repeated terminology. Think about the overall organization of the ideas.
  3. Don't panic. The readings may be dense, yet they are accessible. By previewing and skimming the materials before the lecture, you can use the lecture to clarify the level and depth of comprehension needed when you read the chapter more thoroughly.
  4. If the material is quite difficult and detailed, and you have little recent background in the discipline, a review of the fundamentals and basic terminology in an introductory text in the discipline may help.

In Class

  1. Anticipate information acquired from pre-skimming your textbook. Listen for clues during the lecture that will help you focus on the readings in the related chapters after the lecture.
  2. Take lecture notes on the right side of your notebook page. Leave the facing left page free to add related notes summarized from your textbook.

After Class

  1. Ideally, within 6 hours review and edit your notes taken from the lecture. Begin thinking about what additional information you'll need from the text to enhance your notes.
  2. Read the related textbook material that you have previously skimmed.
    • Break the reading into logical sub-sections to be tackled one at a time.
    • Plan far enough ahead that you'll be able to take a break and move away from the material at the end of each sub-section. Time is often needed to allow the mind to absorb complex ideas.
    • Read carefully and methodically, referring to figures and diagrams as appropriate.
    • "Self-pace" by moving a card or pencil along as you read may focus your attention on the task.
    • After reading a sub-section, stop and recall what you've read. Restate the content in your own words. Take relevant notes alongside the lecture notes in your notebook. Make marginal notes in the textbook and highlight key details.
    • Highlighting is LESS effective than writing marginal notes
    • Draw your own diagrams or charts to summarize and translate information.
    • Review your notes and readings frequently. Periodic review of information promotes its storage in long-term memory.
  3. Organize the new information. How are these functions related to each other? How do they affect each other?
  4. Apply ideas learned to other or new situations: What would happen to the body if one of these systems/functions/organs were damaged or destroyed?
  5. Anticipate and practice responding to the kinds of test questions which might be asked
  1. Source: Adapted from University of Texas at Austin Learning Center

Active Reading Strategies

The SQ3R Method

  • Survey, skim, and scan entire reading assignment. Observe titles, subtitles, charts, diagrams, figures, tables. Preview the conclusion and summary and then the abstract/introduction. Anticipate what the author is going to say. Think of this step as a “preview” to a movie you are about to watch.
  • Question the authors’ purpose and tone. Develop and write out questions about each reading section. Turn paragraph headings into questions. Try to find the answers as you engage in the reading. Use these questions to guide your reading and note-taking process.
  • Read the assignment as thoroughly as possible. Read with alertness to answer the questions you formulated. Read one section at a time, reflect on what you read, and don’t get bogged down with details. Search for the main ideas and supporting details. Write notes, in your own words, under each question.
  • Recite and recall the information by summarizing and paraphrasing. Did you find the answers to the questions you wrote earlier? Without looking at your books or notes, visualize the high points of the material after completing the reading. More time should be spent on recall than reading
  • Review the reading later. Look at your questions, answers, notes, and the text to see how well you recalled the material. Finish up with a mental picture of the WHOLE.

Other active reading tips:

  • Ask yourself pre-reading questions.
  • Make marginal notes or comments instead of highlighting.
  • Write questions in the margins, and then answer the questions in a reading journal or on a separate piece of paper.
  • Systematize your information. Make outlines, flow charts, or diagrams that help you to map and to understand ideas visually.
  • Summarize an essay or chapter in your own words.
  • Write your own exam question based on the reading.
  • Work with classmates.Teach what you have learned to someone else.

Critical Reading Strategies

Critical reading moves a step beyond simple comprehension: the reader must understand and evaluate the author’s main point, issues raised, and conclusions.

  1. Identify the Issue
    • Descriptive: asks who, what, how, does, how much, can…? (Example, “Who was responsible for the decision that led the United States to declare war?”)
    • Prescriptive: Raises questions about what should be done or what is right, good, or bad. (Example: “The United States should not have declared war because….”)
  2. Identify the Conclusion
    • Example: “The US should not have declared war because of a, b and c.”
    • A conclusion must be supported by evidence, or it is simply an opinion.
  3. Identify Assumptions
    • Ideas taken for granted, often unstated or hidden, that are influential in determining the conclusion and necessary for the reasoning to make sense.
    • Value assumptions: an implicit preference for one value over another in a particular context. Assumptions about the way the world should be. (The government is responsible for the common good and education benefits everyone; therefore, “The government should provide more money for schools.”)
    • Descriptive assumptions: those ideas that the writer takes for granted as fact, beliefs about the way the world is.
  4. Look for Evidence
    • What supports your assumptions, facts, claims, etc.? What is the proof? How do you know it is true? Why do you believe that? Can you support that? Are you sure that it is true?
      • Intuition
      • Authorities or testimonials
      • Personal experience
      • Personal observation
      • Case studies or examples
      • Research studies
      • Analogies
  5. Look for Reasoning Errors
    • Attacks on a person or person’s background, not ideas
    • Presentation of a faulty dilemma
    • Oversimplification
    • Diverting attention from the issue
    • Confusion of “what is...” with “what should be…”
    • Allows only perfect solutions (therefore dismisses reasonable arguments or ideas.)

Speed Reading Strategies

In contrast to reading strategies that aim to improve your comprehension (e.g., active reading, SQ3R, critically reading), speed reading strategies aim to improve your reading rate. Skimming and scanning, as well as paying attention to structural cues in a text or looking for pivotal words can all increase your reading speed. Skimming and scanning are techniques focused on keywords to move readers quickly through a text for slightly different purposes.


A reading process focused on getting an overall view or impression of the content. Readers pick out the main ideas or messages from headings, images, graphs, etc. Skimming encompasses the entire text to identify sections that might contain relevant information. Use skimming to preview (reading before you read), review (reading after you read), or decide if you need to read something at all, for example during preliminary research.

Skimming Strategies

  • Read main headings, titles, and subtitles.
  • Tables, charts, and captions.
  • Focus on beginnings and endings.
    • Read the first and last sentences of paragraphs.
    • Read the first and last paragraphs of major sections.
  • When you think you have found something significant, slow down to read the entire sentence to make sure. Resist the temptation to read details you do not need.

While skimming is always faster than your normal reading speed, you should slow down in the following situations:

  • Complicated material.
  • Long and involved sentences and paragraph structure.
  • Unfamiliar or abstract ideas.
  • Detailed, technical material.
  • Material demanding detailed retention.


Requires you look for a particular word or phrase. You can ignore unnecessary ones. Scanning helps you find specific facts or a particular piece of information, e.g. an answer to a question, a key word or a phrase. Only scan when you know what key idea you are searching for. Use scanning in research to find particular facts, to study fact-heavy topics, and to answer questions requiring factual support.

Scanning Strategies

  • In case there are not any given keywords, establish them. For example, choose your keywords from a question posed in the course syllabus, by a professor, or you have conceived.
  • Choose a few words or phrases to search for in the reading.
  • Look for only one keyword at a time.
  • If you use multiple keywords, do multiple scans.
  • Use a finger to scan.
  • Repeat in your mind the keywords while scanning.
  • Highlight or underline key words.
  • When you come across a keyword, stop and carefully read the surrounding text.
  • Don't forget to scan tables of contents, summaries, indexes, and headings.

Skimming and Scanning work well in concert.
