Professor of Education, Chair of Education Department
Professor Santoro is a philosopher of education who conducts empirical research to study and theorize about the moral and ethical sources of teacher dissatisfaction and resistance. She is a teacher educator for pre-service and experienced practitioners, and examines how norms and values are communicated in professional communities. Professor Santoro is a Senior Associate Editor for the American Journal of Education.
Santoro, D. A. & Cain, L., eds. (2018). Principled Resistance: How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas. Harvard Education Press.
Santoro, D. A. (2018). Demoralized: Why Teachers Leave the Profession They Love and How They Can Stay. Harvard Education Press.
Santoro, D. A. & Wilson, T. S., eds. (2015). Philosophical Enquiry through Empirical Research. Studies in Philosophy and Education 34, no. 2.
Santoro, D. A. (2018). Is it Burnout? Or Demoralization? Educational Leadership 75, no. 9 (pp. 10-15).
Santoro, D. A. (2018). Demoralized Teachers and What Local Leaders Might Do. School Administrator 75, no. 5 (pp. 14-15).
Santoro, D. A. (2017). Teachers as Conscientious Objectors. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Ed. George Noblit. New York: Oxford University Press. Santoro, D. A. (2017). Cassandra in the Classroom: Teaching and Moral Violence. Studies in Philosophy and Education 36, no. 1 (pp. 49–60).
Santoro, D. A. (2017). Teachers’ Expressions of Craft Conscience: Upholding the Integrity of a Profession. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 23, no. 6 (pp. 750-761).
Santoro, D. A. (2016). “Something funny” about Conserving Humanity and Teaching: Lessons from the Blues. Philosophy of Education 2015, E. Duarte, ed., pp. 135-138.
Santoro, D. A. (2015). Philosophizing About Teacher Dissatisfaction: A Multidisciplinary Hermeneutic Approach. Studies in Philosophy and Education 34, no. 2 (pp. 171-180).
Wilson, T. S. & Santoro, D. A. (2015). Philosophy Pursued through Empirical Research: Introduction to the Special Issue. Studies in Philosophy and Education 34, no. 2 (pp. 115-124).
Santoro, D. A. (2013). “I Was Becoming Increasingly Uneasy about the Profession and What Was Being Asked of Me”: Preserving Integrity in Teaching. Curriculum Inquiry, 43, no. 5 (pp. 563-587).
Santoro, D. A. (2011). Good Teaching in Difficult Times: Demoralization in the Pursuit of Good Work. American Journal of Education 188, no. 1 (pp. 1-23).
Santoro, D. A. with Morehouse, L. (2011). Teaching’s Conscientious Objectors: Principled Leavers of High-Poverty Schools. Teachers College Record 113, no. 12 (pp. 2671-2705).
Dorn, C. & Santoro, D. A. (2011). Political Goals and Social Ideals: Dewey, Democracy, and the Emergence of the Turkish Republic. Education and Culture 27, no. 2 (pp. 3-27).
Santoro, D. (2010). Teaching to Save the World: Avoiding Circles of Certainty in Social Justice Pedagogy. Philosophy of Education 2009, D. Kerdeman, ed. Urbana, IL: Philosophy of Education Society (pp. 241-249).
Santoro, D. A. & Cain, L. (2018). Introduction. Principles of Resistance: How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Cain, L. & Santoro, D. A. (2018). Conclusion. Principles of Resistance: How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Hochman, J. & Santoro, D. A. (2018). Tweeting to Transgress: Teachers on Twitter as Principled Resistors. Principles of Resistance: How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Santoro, D. A. (2017). Method: Intelligent Engagement with Subject Matter. The Centennial Handbook of Democracy and Education, L. Waks & A. English, eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Santoro, D. A. (2016). Protect Teacher Integrity. Dilemmas of Educational Ethics: Cases and Commentaries, M. Levinson & J. Fay, eds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. (pp. 137-142).
Santoro, D. A. & Dorn, C. (2012). “A Vital, Free, Independent and Lay Republic”: John Dewey and the Role of Education in Establishing the Turkish State. Teaching America to the World: Education and Foreign Relations since 1870, R. Garlitz & L. Jarvinen, eds., New York: Palgrave Macmillan (pp. 93-110).
Santoro, D. A. (2018). Review of “Is Public Schooling a Public Good? An Analysis of Schooling Externalities.” (The Cato Institute, May 2018). National Education Policy Center. Santoro, D. A. (2017). Review of “Tackling Gaps in Access to Strong Teachers: What State Leaders Can Do.” (The Education Trust, October 2017). National Education Policy Center. Santoro, D. A. (2016). Review of Michelle S. Moses, Living with Moral Disagreement: The Enduring Controversy about Affirmative Action. Education Review. Santoro, D. A. (2016). Review of Claudia W. Ruitenberg, Unlocking the World: Education in an Ethic of Hospitality. Studies in Philosophy and Education. Santoro, D. A. (2015). Review of Geraldine J. Clifford, Those Good Gertrudes: A Social History of Women Teachers in America. Teachers College Record. ID Number: 17950.
Santoro, D. A. & Rocha, S. D. (2015). The Beautiful Risk of Teaching: Review of Gert Biesta, The Beautiful Risk of Education. Studies in Philosophy and Education 34, no. 4 (pp. 413–418).
Santoro, D. A. (2011). Review of Sharon Todd, Toward an Imperfect Education: Facing Humanity, Rethinking Cosmopolitanism. Studies in Philosophy and Education 30, no. 3 (pp. 303-310).
Masten, M. (2018). Burnout or Demoralization? Educational Leadership. #ELChat Smith, B. (2018). Why Teachers Leave and How Do We Get Them To Stay? #SquirrelsChat & Periscope simulcast. Rose, J. (2018). Why Good Teachers Quit the Classroom. Top of Mind: BYURadio. Sleker, T. (2018). Teacher Shortage or Teacher Demoralization. BustED Pencils. Walker, T. (2018). Teacher Burnout or Demoralization? What’s the Difference and Why It Matters. NEA Today. Hoey, D. (2017). Portland School Board Considers Resolutions Supporting Immigrant Students, Free Speech. Portland Press Herald. Kurup, R. (2016). Santoro Podcast Sheds Light on the Liberal Arts Experience. 91亚色传媒 Orient. Santoro, D. (2016). Portland Must Change How it Teaches Students of Color. Bangor Daily News. Santoro, D. (2016). Race and Education. Blunt Youth Radio. August 29, 2016. Santoro, D. (2016). We Can Improve Our Schools by Drawing On the Knowledge of Immigrant Families. Bangor Daily News. Santoro, D. A. et al. (2016). Addressing Sexual Assault and Rape Culture. On Maine Calling. Maine Public Broadcasting Network. Santoro, D. A. (2015). Initial Responses to the Every Student Succeeds Act. In AJE Forum. Santoro, D. A. (2015). Conscientious Objection and Demoralization. Education Week Teacher. Santoro, D. A. (2012). Teacher Demoralization and Teacher Burnout: Why the Distinction Matters. In AJE Forum. Rosales, J. (2012). How Bad Education Policies Demoralize Teachers. In NEAToday.
EdD, Columbia University, Teachers College Program in Philosophy and Education