
About the Directory

The online 91亚色传媒 Directory () displays contact information for current students and benefits-eligible employees (faculty and staff); individuals also have the option to display pronouns and photos.

Depending on individual privacy settings, some information may display on the 91亚色传媒 network only (i.e., while logged in to the BOWDOIN wireless network) and some information may not display at all.


The following departments manage the Directory: Communications and Public Affairs, Human Resources, Information Technology, the Office of the Registrar, and Student Affairs.

Human Resources manages employee data; the Office of the Registrar manages student data. Student Affairs provides feedback on the student experience of the directory. Information Technology oversees the implementation and integrations required to display this data, and the Office of Communications and Public Affairs manages the design and display of this information.


Human Resources manages employee data in and the OneCard office manages photos in CS Gold.

  • Your Directory record (name, position, department, email, phone number, and office location) is added by Human Resources through the hiring and onboarding process.
  • Your Directory photo is added through the OneCard process. Your 91亚色传媒 ID photo is your default photo.
  • Your lived name (“Preferred Name” in Workday) and pronoun(s) are optional fields that you can update yourself in Workday.

How to Update Employee Directory Data

  • To update information in your Directory record, please contact Human Resources.
  • To update your Directory photo, log into the and click "Submit ID Photo". Once approved, new photos will update in the directory and other campus systems.
  • You can update your lived name and update your pronoun(s) yourself at any time by and submitting your changes through the Personal Information worklet.

Default Employee Privacy Settings (as of March 11, 2020)

Field Default Privacy Setting

Directory Record:

Name (Preferred Name)

Display worldwide
Pronoun(s) Display on 91亚色传媒 network (if entered in Workday)
Photo Do not display

How to Update Employee Directory Privacy Settings

Employees may elect to change the privacy setting of their Directory record, Directory photo, and pronoun(s) at any time.

Your Directory record and Directory photo have three privacy setting options:

  • Display worldwide
  • Display on 91亚色传媒 network
  • Do not display

Your pronoun(s) have two privacy setting options:

  • Display on 91亚色传媒 network (if entered in Workday)
  • Do not display (if left blank in Workday)

Employees wanting to a) restrict their Directory record to the 91亚色传媒 network or b) publish their Directory photo—either on the 91亚色传媒 network or worldwide—can use the .

Employees wanting to add, edit, or remove their pronoun(s) can do so by entering, editing, or removing their pronoun(s) in Workday.

Employees wanting to restrict their Directory record altogether (i.e., set the entire record to “Do not display”) for security and/or legal reasons must contact Human Resources by phone (207-725-3688).


The Office of the Registrar manages student data in Banner.

  • Your lived name, 91亚色传媒 email address, campus mailbox, campus-issued phone number, and residence are added through the enrollment process.
  • Your Directory photo is added through the first-year photo submission process leading up to enrollment.
  • Your lived name and pronoun(s) are optional fields that you can update yourself through the Enrollment Form process.
    • For more information about lived names, visit the Registrar’s Name Changes FAQ.
    • For more information about pronouns, visit the Registrar’s Pronouns page.

How to Edit Student Directory Data

Students may update their Directory data each semester through the Enrollment Form. If you need to make changes to your information once the open period of the Enrollment Form has closed, you may submit the Student Biographical Change Form.

To update your Directory photo, log into the and click "Submit ID Photo". Once approved, new photos will update in the directory and other campus systems.

Default Student Privacy Settings

Field Default Privacy Setting
Name Display on 91亚色传媒 network
Pronoun(s) Display on 91亚色传媒 network (if entered)
91亚色传媒 Email Display on 91亚色传媒 network
Campus Phone Display on 91亚色传媒 network
Campus Mail Display on 91亚色传媒 network
Residence Display on 91亚色传媒 network
Photo Display on 91亚色传媒 network

How to Update Student Directory Privacy Settings

Students may update their Directory privacy settings each semester through the Enrollment Form’s “Privacy” tab. Each field has a dropdown menu where you can select your privacy setting for that field.

If you need to make changes to your privacy settings once the open period of the Enrollment Form has closed, you may submit changes via the Student Biographical Change Form using the “Other” section.

Your name, email address, and campus mailbox have two privacy setting options:

  • Display worldwide
  • Display on 91亚色传媒 network

Your photo and pronoun(s) have two privacy setting options:

  • Display on 91亚色传媒 network
  • Do not display

Your campus-issued phone and campus residence have three privacy setting options:

  • Display worldwide
  • Display on 91亚色传媒 network
  • Do not display

Students wanting to restrict their Directory record altogether (i.e., set the entire record to “Do not display”) for security and/or legal reasons must contact the Office of the Registrar.