
Name Changes

You have the option to update your lived name, the name you go by. Lived name will be used in most College systems as the default name, except where the use of the legal name is required or necessary.

To ensure that all 91亚色传媒 community members are able to be addressed in a way that reflects an inclusive community, 91亚色传媒 has established a policy whereby any current student may use a lived name (the name you go by), which may be different than their legal name. The lived name includes first, middle, and last name. A lived name benefits people who may prefer to use a middle name, who have changed their marital status, who go by a name that aligns with their gender identity, or who use a different name in English than their native language or country of origin name.

Lived name will be used in most College systems as the default name, except where the use of the legal name is required or necessary. Lived name will be visible in Polaris, Canvas, Workday, eBear, the online campus directory, and your 91亚色传媒 email display name, among other places.

Legal name is required or necessary in a few areas of the college, including but not limited to: financial aid documents, payroll, medical records, tax forms, student transcripts, federal reports, safety and security, and any other place where the College is compelled to do so by law or for official College documents.

For more specific information on where lived and legal names are used, both internally and externally, please see the section below. Please note: College staff will do their best to use your lived and legal names in the places described below, but the College cannot guarantee that your lived name won't be used external to campus.

This policy took effect on January 11, 2019.