
Navigating the Major

The following worksheets and visuals can be used to understand requirements and keep track of the courses needed to meet the major requirements for the different chemistry concentrations and the ACS-certified chemistry major.

Roadmap to navigating the chemistry major:

Core Curriculum (7 courses)

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Content 7 Content 8 Content 9

Core Curriculum (7 courses)

Chemistry Courses

  • Introductory or General Chemistry (Chem 1092
    or Chem 1102 or Chem 1109 or AP/IB Credit or
  • Chemical Analysis (Chem 2100)
  • Organic Chemistry I (Chem 2250)
  • Inorganic Chemistry (Chem 2400)

Mathemetics Courses

  • Integral Calculus (Math 1700 or 1750 or
    placement higher than Math 1750)

Physics Courses

  • Introductory Physics (Phys 1300)

Areas of Concentration (5-7 courses)


Core Curriculum diagram

Worksheet to track progress in the chemistry major: Navigating the Chemistry Major

Worksheet to trace progress in the ACS-certified chemistry major: ACS Certified Major Requirements
  • The American Chemical Society (ACS)-certified major provides rigorous pre-professional training for many career paths including the profession of chemistry, graduate studies in the sciences, medicine, secondary school teaching, and many fields in the business world.