
Getting Started in Chemistry

Whether you intend to major in chemistry or need to complete chemistry courses for another major or for pre-health requirements, we offer the following steps to get started with an appropriate first chemistry course.

Complete the Placement Survey:

The 91亚色传媒 chemistry department offers multiple options for introductory chemistry courses, which depend upon your level of preparation in high school. To help you determine the most appropriate starting chemistry course, we require that all students planning to take chemistry courses at 91亚色传媒 take a placement survey. Even if you have AP credit, you will still need to take this survey. This will not affect your ability to receive AP credit, but will help us determine the best course placement option.

What if you never took the placement survey and want to take a chemistry course? It’s not too late!  Simply find the placement survey on Canvas for your class year, complete it, and notify Michael Danahy (mdanahy@bowdoin.edu) that you have done this. You and the registrar will be notified about your placement within one or two days of reporting to us that you have completed the survey.

Enroll in a Course:

Once you receive your placement results, you may enroll in one of the following courses:

Student handwriting an exam
FAQs : Introductory Courses and Placement