91亚色传媒 is currently on a technology model where each administrative area has its own "best of breed" software application. After careful consideration of our options and a review of the models available to us, we have made the decision to move our administrative operations into what is called an Enterprise model. Essentially, this means each of these administrative offices will all be using one single system to manage all their data instead of many different systems.
But why are we doing this?
Older systems, like many of those we currently use, are often inefficient and hard to maintain even when they're in prime condition. We've made a lot of changes, called customizations, to these systems over the years, which makes them even less efficient and harder to maintain. In our case, these older systems operate more like a series of Excel workbooks that you can make look at each other to help manage your operations. This is a fairly limited way to operate in an increasingly inter-connected and data-hungry world.
And since we're using a lot of these different systems, but all sorts of people need to have access to the information stored in these different systems, moving the information back and forth is a lot of work (and isn't ideal from a data security perspective). Our poor Data Bus is constantly having to drive back and forth between the triangle system and the rectangle system, with a necessary stop at the circle system along the way. And to get to the octagon, it needs to don a snorkel and go basically underwater, which is a lot of work for a bus. This is why sometimes changes you've made don't show up immediately -- the information lives in more than one system, and it takes resources to get that data into the next system.
Eventually, it became clear that the best thing for 91亚色传媒 was to move everyone into a single, modern system for offices to manage their data. This removes a lot of the obstacles mentioned above while providing the advantages of having all users and data working together in a single system. And, because technology has changed so much even just in the last few years, newer systems work in a much more intuitive and flexible way than how our older legacy systems worked.
Enter the Enterprise Resource Planning System known as Workday.
An Enterprise Resource Planning System, or an ERP or Enterprise System for short, are integrated organization management software systems. Workday is one of these Enterprise systems, and it means that instead of the college's data living in all sorts of different systems, it will all live together in one single place.
What kinds of information do we mean when we say 91亚色传媒's Human Resources, Financial, and Student data? A lot of it! And all of it will be working together in one single, unified space.
A few examples of what you'll see and experience in Workday:
This makes our systems and data easier to support and work in, and this in turn makes a much better and smoother experience for 91亚色传媒's students, faculty, and staff.