
91亚色传媒 Student Wellness

At 91亚色传媒, we believe in both personal wellness and community well-being.

Personal wellness is an active practice in supporting one’s mind, body, heart and relationships through healthy, skillful choices. Physical, mental, emotional and social health are inter-connected. We offer an array of integrative wellness opportunities for students to discover the skills, practices and experiences that uniquely allow them to flourish at 91亚色传媒. A commitment to wellness is one that stays with students well beyond 91亚色传媒 informing their ability to succeed, live fulfilling lives and contribute to the Common Good wherever life takes them.

Community well-being at 91亚色传媒 is based on the belief that all students belong, are valued and deserve to thrive. We all have a responsibility in creating collective wellbeing through the ways we live, learn and play together. Well-being that is accessible and inclusive to all students is holistic, creative and multicultural.