
Parking Fines and Appeals

Fines assessed for violations of the College's parking regulations are billed through the bursar's office.


Regular parking violations include parking in other than a signed or lined parking space, parking in a no-parking zone, students parking in a faculty/staff or visitor lot during Monday-Friday business hours.

  • $25 - First and second parking ticket
  • $50 - Third and fourth parking tickets
  • $100 - Five or more parking tickets

Habitual Parking Violation Offender: Students who compile six or more parking violations within an academic year will be subject to College discipline, including loss of campus parking privileges.

Violations for unauthorized use of a disabled person parking space, parking in a signed fire lane, and parking in violation of a campus parking ban:

  • $50 - First violation
  • $100 - Second violation
  • $200 - Subsequent violations


Parking violations may be appealed within five days of the date of violation to the Executive Director of Safety and Security. Complete the online (instructions). Visitors, call 207-725-3458. Appeals are processes promptly, usually within five business days. Notice of an appeal decision will be sent via email.

Town of Brunswick Parking Tickets