
BAS and SSAC Merger FAQ

What will the new group be called?

The new group will be called the Staff Advisory Committee (SAC).

What will we gain by combining groups that is not being accomplished by the separate groups?

We are combining BAS and SSAC to form a cohesive group with less division between different staff roles and to reduce duplication of the same work. Though the inefficiencies of the separate groups were not outwardly visible, committee members generally felt that the previous structure was not serving the groups’ purposes. BAS and SSAC were already collaborating on many projects, and together we will create a stronger voice.

Concerns that were raised in the 2023-2024 survey include differing needs and opinions of support and administrative staff, equal representation of both in the new group, power dynamics when discussing potentially sensitive topics, and logistics for events.

We agree that these are important concerns to consider while forming a new group and have broken them out individually.

A. How do you plan to address employee’s different needs?

  • It is true that different employees have different needs. Our hope is that by working together diverse perspectives will create better solutions.
  • SAC’s by-laws allow for sub-committees to be formed and events to be hosted separately to alleviate power dynamics when discussing sensitive topics.

B. How will SAC ensure equal representation of Administrative Staff and Support Staff?

  • The SAC’s new by-laws address equal representation by having two co-chairs: one from administrative staff and one from support staff. Additionally, the membership of SAC will be equally balanced.

C. How will SAC ensure all voices are heard?

  • In addition to on-campus events, anonymous online and on-campus feedback options will be provided.

What are the metrics for success?

Metrics for success include:

  • Clear understanding of the SAC’s mission and operation
  • Attendance and participation at events
  • Use of findings from staff surveys and feedback forms to direct committee focus

Will the SAC focus on advocacy or event planning?

We are primarily an advocacy-focused committee. Events we offer, such as Coffee with the President, will support the SAC’s mission to contribute to a more positive and equitable workplace culture and build community on campus. The SAC will also continue to strengthen cross campus connections through partnerships with departments such as the Office of Inclusion and Diversity.

How will SAC communicate with staff of all types (remote, shift, etc.)?

The SAC will communicate through hard-copy delivery, digest posts, emails, and the website. Our hope is that communicating through multiple methods will reach employees of all types.