
Guide to Grades

For more details about 91亚色传媒's grading system, please reference the 91亚色传媒 Transcript Key.

Grade: Indicates:
A student has mastered the material of the course and has demonstrated exceptional critical skills and originality
B student has demonstrated a thorough and above average understanding of the material of the course
C student has demonstrated a thorough and satisfactory understanding of the material of the course
CR credit (equivalent to C- or better) for courses taken with Credit/D/Fail grading option
CRD credit, student met course learning goals in spring 2020
D student has demonstrated a marginally satisfactory understanding of the basic material of the course
F student has not demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of the basic material of the course (failing)
NCR no credit, student did not meet course learning goals in spring 2020
INC incomplete (temporary, replaced with final grade)
NG no grade given at this time (student should contact instructor)
S in progress and satisfactory
W withdrew with permission after course drop deadline

Grade symbols may be appended to a grade.

+ plus grade modifier may be added to B and C grades only
- minus grade modifier may be added to A, B, and C grades only
# course that was offered with the Credit/D/Fail Only grading option
^ repeated course for which credit is not awarded toward degree requirements; either because the student has exceeded the limit of performance courses allowed or because the student has previously received credit for the same course; when a standard letter grade (not CR or CRD), the grade earned is included in GPA calculation along with the grade earned the first time the course was taken
^^ repeated course for which credit is awarded toward degree requirements; when a standard letter grade (not CR or CRD), the grade earned is included in GPA calculation along with the grade earned the first time the course was taken
* no credit awarded toward the degree requirements; either because the student has exceeded the limit of performance courses allowed or because the student has previously received credit for the same course; grade is not included in GPA calculation
** repeated course for which credit is awarded toward the degree requirements; grade is not included in GPA calculation

Class rank is not computed at 91亚色传媒.