Class Finder enables you to search for courses by term, subject (department), credits, instructor, time or day offered, and course attributes (e.g., writing project class, distribution requirements met with the course). Select one or more of these facets and click the "Search" button. Note that Thursday is denoted as “R” rather than “Th” in Polaris.
![classfinder search screenshot](/registrar/images/polaris-classfinder-search.png)
When selecting from the drop down menus of subject, instructor, or attribute you may click on multiple items. When you are finished with the drop down menu, move your cursor out of the drop down menu area and the menu will collapse. The facet (e.g., subject) will display the number of items in your search. The example below will find any Biology courses that meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
![search closeup screenshot](/registrar/images/polaris-classfinder-searchcloseup.png)
To do a completely new search, click the "Reset" button on the bottom. If you'd like to keep part of your search, you can change the selection within a facet (e.g., subject) to "All" so that the resulting search will not filter on that facet.