Translations: Short stories by Otto Emersleben, “Night Duty" ("Stundenchronik," in Der Geschichtenkalender 1985, ed. Gertrud Bradatsch and Joachim Schmidt. Rodolstadt: Greifenverlag, 1984) and "Dialogue Concerning a Nonjourney" ("Dialog um eine Nichtreise," in Windvogelviereck: Schriftsteller über Wissenschaften und Wissenschaftler, ed. John Erpenbeck. Berlin: Buchverlag Der Morgen, 1987.) “Attempt at Demolition” (“Abrißversuch” in Greifswalder Almach, ed. Hans-Jürgen Schumacher, Meskenhagen, 2003). In: Otto Emersleben. Memory Toss and Other English Texts, Brumseich Press, Brunswick, ME 2010
“Changing Times,” Former Editors’ Forum: Reflection on Twenty-Five Years of the Women in German Yearbook. In Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature and Culture, University of Nebraska Press, Vol. 25 2009.
"Orfeo and Sam: Racial, Sexual, and Ethnic Otherness in Dörrie's Keiner liebt mich (1994) and Sanoussi-Bliss's Zurück auf los (1999). In: Color and Signs of Ethnic Difference 1800, 1900, 2000. Ed. Birgit Tautz. Amsterdam: Rodopi: 2004.
“Sonnenallee: Taking Comedy Seriously in Unified Germany.” In Textual Responses to German Unification. Ed. Kristie Foell, Carol Anne Costabile Hemming, and Rachel Halverson. Berlin: De Gruyter Verlag, 2001.
Berlin. In Encyclopedia of German Literature. 2 vols. Ed. Matthias Konzett. Chicago: Fitzroy-Dearborn, 2000.
Coeditor with Jeanette Clausen. Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies and German Culture. Vol. 5-6 University Press of America. Fall, 1989, Fall 1991. "Who's Afraid of Feminist Theory? A Postscript from the Editors," with Jeanette Clausen, Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies and German Culture, Vol. 5, University Press of America, Fall, 1989.
Editor, Women in German Homepage at 91亚色传媒: 1997-1999. Editor, Women in German Newsletter.Vols 71-79, 1997-2000.
“What's Feminist About It? Reflections on Collaboration in Writing and Editing”, with Jeanette Clausen. In Common Ground: Feminist Collaboration in the Academy. Eds Elizabeth Peck and Joanna Stephens Mink. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997.
“Epic Theater.” In The Feminist Encyclopedia of German Literature.Eds. Friedericke Eigler and Susanne Kord. Greenwood Press, 1997
“The Absence of Nature in Paper Stars: Otto Emersleben'sPapiersterne, an East German Novel of the Eighties." In West Virginia Philological Papers, Fall, 1991.
"Journal Editing: Issues for Feminists" with Jeanette Clausen,. In Editors' Notes, Vol. 9.2, 1990.
"Gender and German Cinema: Films by German Women," with Kathleen O'Connor. In frauen/film: New Approaches to Teaching Film. Ed. Linda Kraus Worley, published by Women in German, 1990.
Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: An Annotated Bio-Bibliographical Guide. Ed. Elke Frederiksen. Annotator for Novak, Offenbach, and von Lefort. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989.
Translation: Co-translator with Käte Weiss. "The Situation and Organization of Lesbian Women in the German Democratic Republic," by Ilse Kokula. In ILGA PINK BOOK: a global view of lesbian and gay liberation and oppression. Utrecht Series on Gay and Lesbian Studies, Nr. 12. Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies,Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1988.
“Tropes and Oral Formulae: The Metaphorical Multiplexity of hant in the Nibelungenlied." In Germanic Dialects: Linguistic and Philological Investigations. Eds. B. Brogyanyi and T. Krümmelbein. Amsterdam: John Benjamin B .B. 1986.
"Survival Under Fascism: Deception in Apitz's Nackt unter Wölfen, Becker's Jakob der Lügner, and Kohlhaase's Erfindung einer Sprache." In West Virginia Philological Papers, Special Issue devoted to Deceit and Deception in Modern Literature, Vol. 30, 1984.
Women Writers in Translation: An Annotated Bibliography from 1945-1982. Eds. I Courtivron and M. Resnick. New York: Garland, 1984. Editor and Co-annotator for German-speaking women writers.
"History of German Literature: Focus on Women," in German and Women's Studies: New Directions in Literary and Interdisciplinary Course Approaches. Eds. S. Cassierer and S. Weiss. South Hadley, MA: Mount Holyoke College, 1983.
"German-Language Play Production as Cultural Mediation." In Die Unterrichtspraxis.1982.
“Pessimism, Perspectivism, and Tragedy: Hinkemann Reconsidered." In German Quarterly, 1981.