Translation and publication of essay in anthology. “Los informes sobre su desaparación no son exagerados: vida y época del henequén yucateco,” In De la plata a la cocaína: Cinco siglos de historia económica de América Latina, 1500-2000 trans. by Mario A. Zamudio Vega, eds., Marichal, Topik and Frank (Mexico City: El Colegio de México and Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017): 426-454.
Global Markets Transformed, 1870-1945, co-author, Steve Topik (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014).
“Rivalidad económica e inquietud rural a fines del Porfiriato,” and “El ‘porfiriato prolongado:’ La resistencia popular y de las élites, 1910-1915,” co-author of both essays, Joseph, in Vol. 4, Yucatán en el México porfiriano, 1876-1915 in Historia General de Yucatán, eds. Sergio Quezada, Jorge I. Castillo Canché, y Inés Ortiz Yam (Mérida: Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán Press, 2014), 91-167, 281-319.
“Playing God: Choosing Central European Jewish Refugees for the Dominican Republic during World War II,” in Exile and the Politics of Exclusion, eds., Luis Roniger, James Green, and Pablo Yankelevich (Portland, OR: Sussex Academic Press, 2012), 80-99.
“Commodity Chains in a Global Economy, 1870-1945,” co-author, Topik, In Vol. 5, A World Connecting: 1870 to 1945, volume ed., Emily Rosenberg, A History of the World, general eds., Akira Iriye and Jürgen Osterhammel, 6 vols. (Cambridge, MA and Munich: Harvard University Press and C. H. Beck Verlag, simultaneous publication in English and German, 2012). HUP edition, 5:591-812, 1051-1077. German edition: “Warenketten in einer globalen Wirtschaft,” trans. Thomas Atzert, in Geschichte der Welt: Weltmärkte und Weltkriege, 1870-1945 (Munich: C H. Beck Verlag, 2012), V: 589-814 and 1042-1063.
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009).
Published in Spanish as Un Sion tropical: el general Trujillo, Franklin Roosevelt y los judíos de Sosúa, trans. Natalia Sanz González (Santo Domingo: Academia Dominicana de la Historia, 2014).
"Reports of its Demise are not Exaggerated: The Life and Times of Yucatecan Henequen," In From Silver to Cocaine: Latin American Commodity Chains and the Building of the World Economy, 1500-2000, eds., Carlos Marichal, Zephyr Frank and Steven Topik. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006), 300-320.
Translated into Spanish as: “Los informes sobre su desaparición no son exagerados: vida y época del henequén yucateco,” In De la plata a la cocaína: Cinco siglos de historia económica de América Latina, 1500-2000, trans. by Mario A. Zamudio Vega, eds., Carlos Marichal, Steven Topik and Zephyr Frank (Mexico City: El Colegio de México and Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017): 426-454.
“Los mayas en las obras de los historiadores yucatecos del siglo XIX,” in Los mayas de ayer y hoy: Memorias del Primer Congreso Internacional de Cultura Maya, eds., Alfredo Barrera Rubio y Ruth Gubler, 2 Vols. (México: Solar, Servicios Editoriales, 2006), II: 807-830.
"Dialectical Bananas," in Steve Striffler and Mark Moberg, eds., Banana Wars: Power, Production and History in the Americas (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003): 316-334.
The Second Conquest of Latin America: Coffee, Henequen and Oil during the Export Boom, 1850-1930. Co-editor and contributor, with Steven Topik (University of California, Irvine). (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998).
Summer of Discontent, Seasons of Upheaval: Elite Politics and Rural Rebellion in Yucatán, 1876-1915 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996), co-author, Gilbert M. Joseph. Published in Spanish as Verano del descontento, epócas del trastorno: Élites políticas e resistencia rural en Yucatán, 1876-1915, trans. Ari Bartra (Mérida, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán Press, 2011).
"A Welcome Shift of Emphasis: Scholarship on Plantations,Haciendas and Ranches in Nineteenth-Century Latin America," Plantation Society in the Americas 6:1 (Spring 1999): 1-12.
"Out from the Shadows: Recent Scholarship on Late-Nineteenth-Century Mexico," Latin American Research Review 35:1 (Winter 2000): 172-186.
"Clientelism and the Political Baptism of Yucatán's Urban Working Classes, 1880-1929," Wil Pansters, ed., Citizens of the Pyramid: Essays on Mexican Political Culture (Amsterdam: Thela, 1997), 66-106.
"Forgotten Chapters of Yucatán's Past: Nineteenth-Century Politics in Historiographical Perspective," Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 12:2 (Summer 1996), 191-229.
"All in the Family: Railroads and Henequen Monoculture in Porfirian Yucatán," Hispanic American Historical Review, 72:2 (May, 1992), 159-209.
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