
Academic Support

The Academic Technology and Consulting group partners with faculty to support data-driven research, new applications, and tools.

Interested in a technology that is not listed here? Contact Academic Technology and Consulting, we will find the support and expertise you need. 

3D Modeling, 3D Printing, and Virtual and Augmented Reality

Examples: 3D printers, laser cutters, Computer-Assisted Design (CAD) software support and training, 3D scanning, virtual reality, and augmented reality. For more information on 3D Modeling and Printing, contact David Israel. For more information on Virtual and Augmented Reality, contact Paul Benham or Colin Kelley.

3D Printing

Application and Mobile Development

Examples: device-specific apps, web-based applications, mobile data collection, and custom code for internal project use. For more information on application and mobile development, contact David Francis or Stephen Houser.

Data and Text Mining

Examples: data visualization, linked data, statistical modeling, interpretation of results, subscription content and mining (negotiations with publishers for computational access to licensed data sets) and web scraping and APIs (providing and documenting application programming interfaces for DH data, assistance in using other people’s APIs, and/or in compiling data sets from the open web). For data and text mining support, contact Aaron Gilbreath or Stephen Houser.

Database Management and Development

Examples: schema design, migration of databases to new platforms, aquery design, and documenting important features of data sets. For data management support contact David Francis or Stephen Houser.


Examples: extracting audio from media, extracting video clips from longer material, combining clips and segments for presentations. For digitization support contact Paul Benham or Colin Kelley.

Server cables

Drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

Examples include: aerial photography, remote sensing, mapping, and exploration. For more information contact David Israel.

NOTE: For the safety of our community the college has a  that regulates the use of Drones and UAVs on and over College property. In addition, the when flying near airports.

High Performance Computing

Examples: selection and/or development of software for use on multi-processor systems, adapting existing processes to work in a multi-processor system, using Matlab, R, and other high-performance compatible software for research and instruction. For High Performance Computing support, contact Dj Merrill or Stephen Houser.

Interactive Multimedia Production

Examples: exhibits, timelines, multimedia narratives, animations, and game development (gamification, game design, production of media elements, digital storytelling, usability). For interactive multimedia production support, contact Paul Benham, Colin Kelley, or David Israel.

Multimedia Production

Learning Management and Instructional Design

Examples: Canvas course management, quiz and exam administration, design of learning modules, and learning objectives. Learn more about . For learning management and instructional design support, contact Jennifer Snow.

Mapping and GIS

Examples: georeferencing historic maps, finding or creating new geographical maps, and geographical information systems to represent spatial and temporal dimensions of humanities information. For mapping and GIS support contact, Jennifer Snow,  Aaron Gilbreathor David Israel.

Media Production (photo, audio, video)

Examples: creation of original images, audio, video, and animations. For media production support, contact Colin Kelley or Paul Benham.

Statistics and Statistical Methods

Examples: statistical models to interpret data, applying statistical tools to answer research questions, implementing data analysis in class. For statistics and statistical methods support, contact Aaron Gilbreath.

Websites for Courses, Faculty, and Research

Examples: support for mobile students uploading content, collecting feedback, tagging of media, dynamic web page design, and usability testing. For website development support, contact David Israel.