To access the CITI training, please follow the steps below:
1. To create an account and affiliate with 91亚色传媒, go to the and click on "Register".
Under "Select Your Organization Affiliation", type in "91亚色传媒".
Complete the remaining steps to create your account.
2. 91亚色传媒 Animal Subjects policy requires that PIs, faculty, and student researchers who conduct research involving vertebrates complete, at a minimum, the following course:
Faculty & Staff: Working with the IACUC for Investigators (Faculty) and Staff (ID: 56915)
Students: Working with the IACUC for Students (ID: 198336)
Depending on the research conducted, additional animal specific training may be required, please refer to the principal investigator or instructor for more information.
3. To access the Working with the IACUC course, visit the and follow the steps below:
Log into your account.
Once you have logged in, click on "View Courses"
At the bottom of the page, click on "Add a Course". This will take you to the Curriculum page which lists several questions. For all of the boxes, except for Question #6, you should choose "No" or "Not at this time".
For Question #6, please choose one of the Working with the IACUC courses, either for students or investigators and staff.
Click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.
You will now see the Working with the IACUC course available to you under "Active Courses" on the "My Courses" screen.
Upon completion of the required course, the Research Compliance Manager, will be notified via CITI and will be provided with the completion certificate. Please also keep a copy of the certificate for your records. The IACUC cannot begin reviewing an application until the required training has been completed for all research personnel. Training certificates need to be updated every three years for faculty and staff and every year for students.
Please visit the for other FAQs. For training-specific questions, please email