
IACUC Protocol Training Requirements聽

It is not just the IACUC that has responsibilities for animal research oversight. All study personnel conducting research on vertebrates or cephalopods must take the required training courses prior to protocol submission and lab access. Training courses can be accessed online through . Please find the instructions for accessing the trainings below.

Faculty and Staff: Working with the IACUC for Investigators (Faculty) and Staff (ID: 56915) 

Students: Working with the IACUC for Students (ID: 198336)

Additional trainings may be required depending upon the research conducted. This may include additional CITI species specific modules or an in-person training tailored to the protocols research procedures.

The IACUC may require specific trainings if they feel that individuals do not have the adequate skills to achieve the expected level of animal care or if a more hands-on training is necessary to educate the research team on certain techniques or surgical skills. 

For more information on additional trainings, please refer to the principal investigator or instructor.

The Research Compliance Manager is responsible for verifying that the required training has been completed and updated for all personnel listed on an approved protocol.