
Grant Expenses

Grant Expenses

The Principal Investigator (PI) and/or Grant Manager is responsible for approving ALL grant expenses. The PI is directly responsible for confirming any expenses charged to the grant exceeding $5,000, student fellowships, student workers and other employee wages.

Expenses charged to grants must be:

  1. Allocable: the expense directly benefits the specific project and is necessary to meet grant goals
  2. Reasonable: the cost reflects what a “reasonably prudent person” would pay in a similar circumstance
  3. Consistent: the expense is treated similarly across the College
  4. Allowable: The expense is within the project period and allowable under:
    1. College policy
    2. Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (if federally awarded)
    3. Awarding Agency regulations (if applicable)
      • NSF (PAPPG)
      • NIH
      • NASA
      • NOAA
      • NIST
      • NEH
    4. Funding restrictions as disclosed in the sponsored agreement and award budget

Grant Manager Approval Authorization

The PI may approve one or more employees as Grant Managers authorized to approve charges under $5,000 to their grant by completing a Grant Expense Approval Authorization Form. Please request this form from Laura Pilgrim.

For any additional questions regarding grant expenses, please contact Laura Pilgrim, Post Award Grants & Contracts Senior Financial Analyst, for guidance.