
Legacy Financial Reporting Tool and Support

Effective January 1, 2024, all financial transactions will be completed in Workday. Historical actuals and budget data will be available in the legacy Financial Reporting Tool through November 2023 & will include December 2023 after December has been closed. July through November data will be loaded into Workday in January 2024. 

Financial Reporting Tool

The  allows financial managers to view the projects for which they are responsible from their desktop (PC or Mac). Access to the Financial Reporting Tool is granted according to employee job responsibilities.


If you experience technical problems or have questions about Financial Edge or the Reporting tool, please contact: Marc Berry (725-3029).


With the Financial Reporting Tool, financial managers can:

  • Choose their own report dates
  • Choose from more than one report type
  • Summarize activity by account code group - or -
  • Drill down to transaction level detail
  • Export activity into a variety of formats (Excel, Adobe, HTML)

Operating Projects

These are used for the day-to-day operations that are funded by the College's operating budget. Project budgets and balances are closed out at the end of each fiscal year.

Multi-Year Projects

These are used for projects that have a funding source other than the operating budget. They have a fund balance that carries over from year to year. Examples include grants, endowment funds, faculty research funds, and department reserves.