
Damage Policy and Reports

Residents of College assigned housing are financially responsible for damage, loss of College property, and/or cleaning costs above and beyond wear and tear.  In addition, incidents that are determined to be of a willful or malicious nature may be referred to the Office of Residential Life for disciplinary action.

Students may use small push pins to secure items such as posters to the wall.  Any wall damage caused by the removal of tape will be charged to the occupant(s). 

Because of liability and safety concerns, students are not permitted to paint or make improvements to their assigned space without express written permission from Facilities Management, nor may they hire independent contractors. 

Whenever possible, the individual(s) responsible for the damage, vandalism, inappropriate use, extra cleaning costs, repainting, or repairs deemed by Facilities Management to be beyond normal wear and tear will be held responsible. When the person or group, (including but not limited to residents of a room, floor, suite, wing or apartment), cannot be identified, all occupants of the building/floor/apartment complex will be charged. 

Attempts by students to repair damages or to repaint in order to reduce the financial implications, will not be considered and they will be assessed the full charge. 

View the complete list of charges associated with student damage.

Student Residential Hall Bi-Annual Student Damage Reports


2022-2023 Academic Year Damage Report (pdf)

2021-2022 Academic Year Damage Report (pdf)