

Limiting Waste

One aspect of sustainability involves limiting waste and getting the most out of precious resources. This includes Dining Service’s commitment to reduce, re-use and recycle.


Dining Service has taken steps to limit waste in a number of ways:

  • We use a menu management software program to track production and usage of menu items so that we prepare no more than we expect to use.
  • If there is overproduction, we provide regular deliveries that supply the nearby , a local food pantry and soup kitchen.
  • Communicating with students about food waste issues and offering tray-optional dining giving them options to change behavior.
  • Pre- and post-consumer waste is collected for compost by
  • The waste from many of our catering events, including the opening lobster bake (1,800 meals) is completely compostable
  • We use single-stream recycling for paper, paperboard, aluminum, glass and plastic.
  • Dining Service provides incentives for use of reusable mugs at The Cafe. 
  • 100% of the take-out packaging in our retail operations in compostable.
  • Bottled water, as a beverage option, has been removed from our bagged lunch program and replaced with a hydration station.
  • A centralized bakeshop and meat shop reduce the need for plastic packaging.
  • Cross-utilization of menu items maximizes usage.
  • Our organic garden manager works in conjunction with our chefs to plan for optimal growing needs.