
Honors Projects and Independent Study

Honors Projects and Independent Study are opportunities offered to advanced students to pursue research during the academic year and receive course credit.

Independent Study

An independent study involves a semester of in-depth research supervised by a faculty advisor, for which a student receives academic credit. Independent study can be performed by upperclassmen students in either the fall or spring semester.

Participation in independent study provides an excellent introduction to the kind of independent thinking that is required in both graduate study and the rapidly advancing computing field itself.

Independent study projects are often done in conjunction with an ongoing faculty research project. Projects in fields with strong interdisciplinary ties to computer science are also welcomed.

Interested in pursuing an independent study?

Students interested in pursuing an independent study should contact a faculty supervisor and discuss their project proposal in advance of registering for independent study. Enrollment is contingent upon faculty approval.

For more information, consult the Office of the Registrar.

Honors Projects

An honors project in computer science provides a special opportunity for a senior major to pursue an extensive project as a computer scientist. Honors projects consist of a full year of independent study work with a substantial research component, and can lead to co-authorship of a paper and the opportunity to attend an international conference.

Click here to see honors projects conducted by past students.

Three papers and presentations are required for the successful completion of an honors project in the computer science department. All deadlines and dates, once fixed, cannot be changed, except in unusual and compelling circumstances.

Honors Project Timetable

Interested in pursuing an honors project?

Students interested in pursuing an honors project are encouraged to contact their advisor or a faculty member with appropriate research interests by the end of their junior year.

For more information, consult the Office of the Registrar.