
Social Media Community Guidelines

91亚色传媒 wants its community to feel free to comment on our various platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube), whether positive or negative, and is committed to open communication and debate on our online platforms. However, 91亚色传媒 reserves the right to review and delete comments that we determine to be:

  • Vulgar, obscene, hateful or abusive;
  • Offensive toward individuals or groups;
  • Name-calling, threats, personal attacks or harassment to people in our comment section;
  • Suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity;
  • Promotions or endorsements of commercial services or products;
  • Malicious or inappropriate external links; or
  • Off-topic content or malicious intent—also known as trolling.
Comments made on pages maintained by 91亚色传媒 are the opinions and expressions of the commenter only; the appearance of opinions or expressions on the page does not constitute agreement or endorsement by the College. We regularly monitor our public comments and do our best to moderate our accounts in a timely fashion, but it make take some time for the College to respond to questions or review comments. If you believe someone is posting in ways that are inappropriate or have any questions, please contact our digital community manager, Chelsea Doyle (cdoyle@bowdoin.edu).