
Instrument Instructions

Capillary Electrophoresis:
Agilent CE G1600A (Rm 264) 

Sorvall Legend RT (Rm 264)
     Sorvall Quick Guide

Circulator Water Baths:
Thermo Electron HAAKE C10 (Rm 246B)

Cyclic Voltammeter:
BAS E2 (Rm 246A) 

Fluorescence spectrometers:
Hitachi F-2000 (Rm 244) 
Jasco FP-6500 (Rm 246A) 
Spex Fluorolog 1680 (Rm 246A) 
Hitachi F-2500 (Rm 246A)
DeltaFlex (Rm 259)

Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer:
Nicolet iS10 (Rm 148A)
Nexus 470 (Rm 52) 

Polarimeter - Autopol III (Rm 148A)

Freeze Dryer:
Labconco with 12-Port Chamber (Rm 106B)
     Quick Guide
     Helpful Tips

Gas Chromatograph (GC) spectrometers:
Agilent 6890N (Rm 147)
     Quick Guide for Single Sample Runs
Gow-Mac Series 600 (Rm 148A) 

Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS):
Agilent 5973N (Rm 147) 

High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) spectrometers:
Gorske Lab-Agilent 1100, Non-Buffer Solutions, DAD detector (Rm 44)
Gorske Lab-Agilent 1260, Non-Buffer Solutions, DAD detector (Rm 44)
Eustis Lab-Agilent 1100, Non-Buffer Solutions, DAD detector (Rm 263)
Vasudevan Lab-Agilent 1100, Non-Buffer Solutions, DAD detector (Rm 264)
Vasudevan Lab-Agilent 1100, Buffer Solutions, DAD detector (Rm 264)
Agilent 1100, Non-Buffer Solutions, DAD detector (Rm 147)
Agilent 1100, Buffer Solutions, DAD detector (Rm 147)
Agilent 1100 FLD detector (Rm 147)

Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)spectrometer:
Varian Vista-MPX (Rm 106B) 

Matrix-Assisted Laser-Desorption Ionization - Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer (MALDI-FTMS):
IonSpec HiRes (Rm 160) 

Microwave Digestion System:
CEM Mars5 (Rm 106B) 

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer:
Bruker 400 Ultrashield (Rm 52) 

Surface Area Analyzer:
Gemini 2360 (Rm 106B)
Gemini 2360 Standard Run Information (Rm 106B)

ThermoGRAMS Suite Software:
Data Transfer Instructions - GCMS 
Transferring UV/Vis Sample Scans onto Excel for Data Manipulation 

Ultraviolet/Visible (UV/Vis) spectrometers:
Agilent 8453 (Portable) 
Hitachi U-2001 (Rm 246A) 
Ocean Optics Absorbance Experiment Instructions (USB2000 and USB4000 Portable Units)
     Ocean Optics Start-up / Shut down on MAC 
     Ocean Optics Start-up / Shut down on PC 
Shimadzu UV160U (Rm 246A) 
Shimadzu UV-1700 (Rm 246A) 
     Transferring Data from UV1700 to PC 
     Transferring Spectral Raw Data from UV1700 to Excel
Varian Cary 400 (Rm 246A)
     Cary 400 Quick Guide

Vernier Lab Quest: pH, Temperature, Conductivity Sensors (Portable)