
Other Arctic Resources

Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum & Arctic Studies Center Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum & Arctic Studies Center

Other Arctic Resources

This list represents a small sample of the many excellent sites on different aspects of the Arctic. For the most part they represent portals into the world of Arctic culture, history and science as many of them have extensive lists of links.

Current events

: a Washington-based independent think tank. Their contributors prepare thoughtful articles and a comprehensive weekly newsletter summarizing circumpolar news from a wide variety of sources.

 Northern news gathered by Radio Canada International, as well as blogs and other features.


 reporting on the state of sea ice, from the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

They have also recently begun a new service, reporting on the state of the Greenland Icecap

Arctic Theme Page: This NOAA web site features with images from a Web Cam at the North Pole, as well as copious links to other arctic resources.

Education and Traditional Knowledge

: a website exploring Inuit traditional knowledge. 

Arctic Circle: This site includes sections on Natural Resources, History and Culture, and Social Equity and Environment Justice as well as a museum and a Virtual Classroom. Arctic Circle also has extensive links to the wide variety of Arctic resources on the WWW. The site is no longer active, but remains a valuable resource. 


(AINA): This is a major multi-disciplinary research organization based at the University of Calgary. AINA publishes the journal, Arctic, and sponsors research on all areas of Northern studies. Their web page includes links to research projects and bases in the north as well as The Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS) an extensive searchable database. 

(SPRI): SPRI is the oldest international research institute focusing on both Arctic and Antarctic studies. It is named for polar explorer Robert Falcon Scott, and is based at Cambridge University. The SPRI web page has extensive links to research based at the Institute as well as their excellent library and archives. They also maintain a comprehensive list of Polar Museums. 

 A multi-disciplinary research center located at The Ohio State University. This site has a very extensive list of links identified as Polar Pointers. 

: Eagle Island's State Historic Site. The site of Admiral Peary's summer home. 

Inuit Art