
Performance Evaluations

Date: May 2018

Philosophy and Purpose: The purpose of the evaluation process is to assure regularly scheduled and systematic communication between employees and supervisors about employee development, job performance, and future expectations. Annual evaluations also provide an opportunity to document good work, establish clear criteria for success, identify training needs and the potential for promotion.

Policy: The first formal review takes place near the end of the adaptation period or first six months an employee is in a new position. After the adaptation evaluation, performance evaluations will be completed annually as determined by the employee’s supervisor. .

Evaluations are meant to be a time of two-way communication between employee and supervisor about expectations and accomplishments. Ideally, these communications happen frequently throughout the year, and annual reviews provide a formal record of progress. Employees are encouraged to comment on the content of their evaluations and to ask for appropriate supervisory support and assistance. In situations where performance improvement is needed, the supervisor will work with the employee and develop a performance improvement plan.

The annual performance evaluation may impact merit pay increases. These are recommended by the supervisor or department head and are awarded on July 1 each year to employees who have already completed their adaptation period and whose job performance is in good standing.